Ear Pinning in Tucson

Become Ear-Resistable at Larson

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Time to Hear Nothing But Compliments

Your confidence is our priority.

This trendy procedure reshapes and repositions ears, while saying goodbye to insecurities and welcoming a balanced and tailored appearance. Embrace your unique style and express yourself with this transformative journey to ear perfection.

Procedure Highlights

Consultation Required?


Treatment Type:


Surgery Length:

1 to 2 hours

Number of Treatments:



1 to 2 weeks

Duration of Results:


In Depth Look

Ear pinning in Tucson at Larson Plastic Surgery offers a blend of precision, aesthetics, and personalized care. Our skilled surgeons reshape and reposition ears, ensuring natural-looking results.

Patients receive comprehensive pre-operative consultations to discuss goals and expectations and ensure that they are a good candidate for otoplasty. Post-operative care focuses on comfort and recovery, with tailored support to optimize healing. With an emphasis on both form and function, ear pinning services provide a transformative experience, enhancing confidence and self-image.

What It Treats

Ear pinning involves reshaping the cartilage and repositioning the ears so that they are closer to the head. This procedure enhances facial symmetry and improves overall ear aesthetics.

The procedure is suitable for individuals of various ages, including children and adults, seeking aesthetic enhancement or correction of congenital ear abnormalities.

What it Treats:
  • Protruding ears (commonly referred to as ear pinning or otoplasty)

  • Ear asymmetry 

  • Ear deformities 

  • Discomfort caused by a lack of confidence 

ZL Medspa
Larson Plastic Surgery

Our Process

The surgical procedure known as otoplasty, or ear pinning in Tucson, is performed to correct ears that stick out. Usually, the procedure requires creating small cuts behind the ear to reach the cartilage.

The cartilage is subsequently modified or folded, and any surplus skin is removed if needed. Once repositioned, the ears are secured with sutures. The process is commonly done with the use of local anesthesia and typically takes about 1 to 2 hours to finish.

Why Us?

Compassionate Care

Specializing in otoplasty, Dr. Larson is well-known for his expertise in plastic surgery. He is committed to offering comprehensive medical treatments that are designed to help you achieve your desired goals.

Personalized Treatments

In order to better understand your medical history and the aesthetic goals you have in mind, it is important to book a consultation so that our specialists can better assess your goals and formulate a custom plan suitable for your treatment with ear pinning in Tucson.

Your Comfort Is Prioritized 

At Larson Plastic Surgery & ZL Medspa, we understand the significance of comfort, and our goal is to make you feel completely at ease before, during, and after your procedure.

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Frequently Asked Questions Ear Pinning