Brazilian Butt Lift

Female patient
2 BBL surgeries. Frequently, to achieve a very large gluteal augmentation, I will recommend that the surgery be split into two separate grafting episodes. This allows for a safe and predictable path to fabulous results. At the first surgery, 700cc of fat was transferred to each cheek. At the second surgery 960cc of fat was grafted to each cheek. You can see the other body contours such as the abdomen and flanks and back improve as well from the 360 degree liposuction.
Before and 6 months After round one, Before and 3 months After second round.

2 BBL surgeries. Frequently, to achieve a very large gluteal augmentation, I will recommend that the surgery be split into two separate grafting episodes. This allows for a safe and predictable path to fabulous results. At the first surgery, 700cc of fat was transferred to each cheek. At the second surgery 960cc of fat was grafted to each cheek. You can see the other body contours such as the abdomen and flanks and back improve as well from the 360 degree liposuction.
Before and 6 months After round one, Before and 3 months After second round.

2 BBL surgeries. Frequently, to achieve a very large gluteal augmentation, I will recommend that the surgery be split into two separate grafting episodes. This allows for a safe and predictable path to fabulous results. At the first surgery, 700cc of fat was transferred to each cheek. At the second surgery 960cc of fat was grafted to each cheek. You can see the other body contours such as the abdomen and flanks and back improve as well from the 360 degree liposuction.
Before and 6 months After round one, Before and 3 months After second round.

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